Where Does Oil Produced in the U.s. Go?

An oil well near Titusville, Pennsylvania, four years after Col. Edwin L. Drake struck oil on August 27, 1859. (AP) AP

An oil asymptomatic stingy Titusville, Pennsylvania, Little Jo age after Col. Edwin L. Drake struck oil happening August 27, 1859. (AP Images)

The development of the W steam engine in the late eighteenth century spurs a wave of mechanization in Europe and the United States titled the Industrial Revolution. Coal is the independent energy source dynamical the rotation in its beginning years. In the mid-1800s, lamp oil produced from refined vulgar oil begins to make its elbow room onto the market in the United States as a lighting fuel, an alternative to the dwindling supply of train oil. Rock oil is successfully extracted victimization a inexperient drilling method in Pennsylvania, which sparks a regional influx of speculative oil drilling. The first U.S. anoint refinery comes online in 1861, and the United States exports its first shipment of refined oil to London. Concluded the next 100 and a half, embrocate supplants coal as the res publica's preeminent fuel source and contributes to its emergence arsenic a major economic king.

A section of the Spindletop Field in Beaumont, Texas, 1901. (AP) AP

A section of the Spindletop Field in Beaumont, Texas, 1901. (AP Images)

In 1880, the United States is causative 85 percentage of the world's crude oil production and refining, and kerosene is the fourth largest U.S. export. Yet, U.S. dominance of European and Asian oil markets is challenged by new oil finds controlled by Great GB, the Netherlands, and Russia. Calm down, over the next two decades, major oil finds in states much as California, Oklahoma, and Texas help increase U.S. production from about twenty-hexa million barrels of oil annually to around 60-four million barrels per twelvemonth. By 1900, much two cardinal oil byproducts—including fire for stoves and internal combustion engines, as well every bit lubricants for industrial machinery—begin to go into day by day life. The 1901 Spindletop gusher—the largest up to now—fuels a major oil colour hasten in Texas, and U.S. boring nearly triples in a decade.

Dubbed by Henry Ford as the

Dubbed away Henry Ford as the "universal car," more than fifteen million Model Ts are built and sold 'tween 1908 and 1927. (Library of Congress)

Henry Ford's innovation of the Model T in 1908—the world's initial inexpensive, mass-produced motorcar—helps pave the way for a significant gain in auto ownership. By 1910, U.S. consumption of petrol (gas) surpasses kerosene. By 1927, the United States is the most motorized commonwealth in the world, with one motor fomite for roughly every quintet people. Comparatively, other major commercial enterprise countries similar U.K., France, and Germany give birth about one motor vehicle for all forty-four people. The United States continues to track machine possession per capita for the succeeding one C, and mincing-motor fuel becomes the res publica's predominant utilisation of oil.

A horse-drawn truck employed by Standard Oil in 1902 delivers gasoline for the first automobiles and stationary engine use. AP

A horse-drawn truck employed by Standard Oil in 1902 delivers gas for the beginning automobiles and unmoving engine use. (AP Images)

Birth of U.S. Anoint Big league

Aside the 1880s, John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil owns 90 percentage of the U.S. embrocate refineries and pipelines and the world's largest tanker fleet. In 1906, the U.S. government takes the company to courtroom for violating the Sherman Antimonopoly Act of 1890. The U.S. Maximal Court rules in favor of the government in English hawthorn 1911. In July, Standard Oil is halting into separate entities, including those that later become Chevron, Amoco, Mobil, Conoco, and Exxon. These companies arrive to dominate much of the international oil market for the next six decades.

The 148th U.S. Aero Squadron field. During WWI, planes were first employed for reconnaissance, but air battles soon followed. (Courtesy National Archives)

The 148th U.S. Aero Squadron field. During WWI, planes were first employed for reconnaissance, but air battles soon followed. (National Archives)

With the onset of International State of war I, embrocate becomes vital for modern warfare, fueling ships, land vehicles, and planes. European nation attacks disrupt U.S. oil exports to Britain and France, causation oil shortages in those countries. When the United States enters the warfare allied against Germany in 1917, the Edmund Wilson administration steps up efforts to supply oil to Britain and France. U.S. production cannot meet some domestic and war demand, so the United States begins importing oil from Mexico to close the gap. During the U.S. war effort, Mexican imports average between 2.5 million barrels and 4 million barrels of oil per month, supplementing U.S. product of close to 30 meg barrels a month.

Hand drilling at Dunnellon Phosphate Company's prospecting in Florida, April 1923. (Courtesy U.S. Geological Survey)

Hand drilling at Dunnellon Orthophosphate Company's prospecting in Florida, April 1923. (U.S. Geological Survey)

Addressing Oil Insecurity

In 1919, the U.S. Earth science Survey estimates U.S. oil supplies will rivulet outgoing in ten years, triggering the country's first oil security fears. Though the Federated States produces roughly one trillion barrels of oil per daylight, or 65 percent of worldwide oil supplies, Sir Thomas More than 90 percent is consumed domestically. By 1920, crude prices step-up to $3 a gun barrel, more than double the price in 1914. Congress passes the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 [PDF], which requires leasing of Federal lands for energy prospecting for the first time. In response to British and French attempts to shut U.S. oil companies out of their Midriff East protectorates, the law includes a provision denying access to U.S. material rights by any foreign entities whose governments deny similar access to U.S. companies. U.S. vegetable oil companies also get down pursuing concessions in Latin America.

Iraq Petroleum Company oil storage tanks, Palestine, 1938.  (Time & Life Pictures/Getty)

Iraq Petroleum Company oil storage tanks, Palestine, 1938. (Time & Lifetime Pictures/Getty)

Following British and French attempts to closed U.S. oil color companies out of regions they control in the Middle E, the U.S. government begins alive oil diplomacy, insistence on an "open door" policy that would permit every last companies to compete for unnaturalised concessions regardless of national origins. Merely the doctrine fails to take hold. Instead, a consortium of seven oil companies is given business enterprise interest in the Iraq Petroleum Companionship, and the companies agree to non independently develop oil color in an orbit that spans from Turkey to Iraq and Saudi Arabia, but excludes Egypt, Iran, and Kuwait. This 1928 Red Line Agreement with its "self-self-renunciation clause" allows sevener companies, five of which are American, to control the bulk of Near East boring by the early 1930s.

Workers at a factory stacking drums of oil in a warehouse, February 1930. (Getty)

Workers at a factory stacking drums of oil colour in a warehouse, February 1930. (Getty)

Technological breakthroughs and augmentative oil production in Latin America, the Middle East, and the Cohesive States lead to overproduction. Disproving dearth projections by the U.S. Geological Survey, in less than a decade U.S. oil product more doubles from what it was in 1920. Britain's attempt to brace European oil prices through the 1928 Achnacarry Agreement, which limits sales past oil producers, is met with mixed success. In 1931, oil prices plummet to just few cents a barrel. In 1933, the United States imposes a production quota organisation for states and a duty tax on foreign oil to keep cheap oil from high the market. Though the Supreme Tourist court overturns the Federal quota system in 1935, U.S. oil-producing states voluntarily continue it and prices begin to regai.

Residents of Mexico City celebrating appropriation of foreign oil companies, 1938. (Hulton Archive/Getty)

Residents of United Mexican States City celebrating appropriation of foreign oil companies, 1938. (Hulton File away/Getty)

Governments begin to learn a more than agile role in the oil industry. Irani loss leader Reza Shah Pahlevi in 1932 cancels the grant of the British vegetable oil companionship Anglo-Persia on the other hand later retreats after hitting a deal for a fixed royalty and an increase in Persian laborers employed past the company. Meanwhile, Continent governments impose import quotas, circle prices, and require fire blended with ethanol made from excess crops, every bit well as requiring investment in domestic oil color infrastructure. In 1938, the Mexican government nationalizes the anele industry and revokes U.S. oil concessions. The United States government does not strike back, in depart attributable fears Mexico will line up with Deutschland in World War 2. Mexico's actions foreshadow a wave of embrocate nationalizations that will follow in the decades after the war.

The battleship USS Arizona during a Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, December 7, 1941. AP

The battleship USS Arizona during a Japanese surprise attack connected Pearl Harbor, Aloha State, December 7, 1941. (AP Images)

At the originate of World War 2, the United States is responsible for 60 percent of world production, followed by Russia and Venezuela. Japan, heavily reliant on U.S. oil imports, begins stockpiling anoint and equipment shortly in front it invades Indochina. In response, the U.S. government imposes controls on oil exports to Japan, effectively stinging off oil colour supplies in the summer of 1941. On December 7, Nihon attacks Pearl Harbor but fails to target the Navy's happening-island oil storage—about four million barrels—leaving it to fuel the extant Pacific fleet.


4 "Curler Vanities" of the Broadway campaign to economize gas on New York's Fifth Avenue, June 2, 1942. (AP Images)

Past 1941, oil shipments from the United States to Allies in Europe are impeded by High German U-boat attacks. When the United States enters the war, it embarks happening a nationwide rationing project that includes accelerator pedal coupons and limiting driving stop number to 30-cinque miles an hr. Efforts likewise are made to long pillow U.S. oil production and transport. Meanwhile, Venezuela enacts a new "fifty-fifty" oil law, which gives the country half of all anoint profits only leaves U.S. concessions in place.

U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud in discussion aboard the USS Quincy north of Suez, Egypt, on February 14, 1945. AP

U.S. President Benjamin Franklin D. Roosevelt and King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud in discussion aboard the USS Quincy northeastern of Suez, Egypt, along February 14, 1945. (AP Images)

Budding U.S.-Saudi Relations

In 1938, Saudi-Arabian Arabian Peninsula is found to rich person vast quantities of oil. In 1943, with concerns growing about the diminishing U.S. oil production capacity, President F. D. Roosevelt declares Saudi oil alive to U.S. security and provides financial support. In February 1945, Roosevelt and Saudi Billie Jean King Abdul Aziz meet aboard a U.S. send off on the Suez Duct to discuss closer ties. A couple of years later, the reality's biggest oil field of operations is found in Saudi Arabia, and the country quickly becomes the world's largest exporter of oil—though it does non become a substantial U.S. supplier for various decades.

A General Motors' auto show at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York, January 18, 1950. AP

A Pandemic Motors' automobile appearance at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in Late York, January 18, 1950. (AP Images)

At the end of World War II, the United States is an economic and militaristic superpower. The country plays a central role in the global convalescence, including providing energy aid to a devastated Europe. The war's end also brings astir the end of U.S. gas rationing. The U.S. auto industriousness booms, with the number of cars in the US jumping from twenty-half-dozen trillion to forty 1000000 in the five years after the state of war. In the decades that follow, the transportation sector's (in the main automobiles) share of oil consumption rises from about 50 percent to more than 70 percent.

A Vespa Piaggio plant helped by Marshall Plan funds near Pisa, Italy, 1948. (Courtesy National Archives)

A Genus Vespa Piaggio plant helped by Marshal Plan funds approximate Pisa, Italian Republic, 1948. (National Archives)

The European Retrieval Program, also known as the Marshall Plan, helps warfare-torn Europe get approach to petroleum imports. Over the course of the forty-quintuplet-month platform, the United States supplies Thomas More than $11 one thousand million in oil aid, close to 10 percent of the total attention provided by the program. The continent begins to become more strung-out on oil for its energy needs as Europeans turn departed from coal. Simply European oil needs begin to be increasingly met by the Middle East and non the United States. The Consolidated States is a meshwork oil exporter in 1945, but by 1950 information technology is importing nearly one million barrels a day and within cardinal decades the body politic is importing over half-dozen billion barrels per day—more than a ordinal of U.S. demand.

The Shah on March 18, 1954, after a speech saying oil issues would be settled by the nationalization law. Aziz Rashki/AP

The Shah on March 18, 1954, aft a speech expression oil issues would represent settled by the communisation law. (Aziz Rashki/AP Images)

In August 1953, the Iranian military, with the assistance of Island and U.S. intelligence agencies, overthrows Iranian Prime Minister Muhammad Mossadeq—who nationalized the country's oil industry two years earlier. The U.S. government works with U.S. oil majors and the Iranian government—now take to the woods by the Shah—to bring Iranian oil back online following a Brits trade stoppage of oil shipments. Iran's oil colour remains nationalized, but in October 1954 the government agrees to a consortium of mainly U.S. companies to manage Iran's oil industry. To forbid running tangled of U.S. antitrust Torah, U.S. oil major league release a small portion of their share in the pool to allow independent U.S. producers to buy in.

A group of French commandos going ashore during the Suez conflict, Port Fuad, Egypt, November 10, 1956. AP

A group of French commandos sledding ashore during the Suez conflict, Port Fuad, Egypt, November 10, 1956. (AP Images)

In July 1956, Egypt nationalizes the Suez Canal, which has been controlled by UK and France. The two countries, in a coordinated attack with Yisrael, temporarily seize the canal in October. One-half the canal's traffic is rock oil, and the ensuing crisis from its closure threatens Halfway Due east oil shipments, which ply about eight hundred thousand barrels a day to European Union. The intercession stokes Passionless Warfare tensions, and U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower compels a withdrawal to avoid a confrontation with the Soviet Union. In a 1957 speech to Relation, Dwight David Eisenhower says the Middle East would be a prize for international communism and asks Congress to provide economic and military support for any nation or groups of nations in the region with "governments manifestly devoted to the conservation of independence and resistance to corruption."

Men drilling for oil in Kenai, Alaska, 1959. Nat Farbman/Getty

Men boring for oil in Kenai, Alaska, 1959. (Nat Farbman/Getty)

In 1959, the world formerly again faces an oversupply of oil and prices are slashed. U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower imposes the Mandate Oil Implication Program, a quota organisation on oil imports, sol that they cannot transcend Thomas More than 9 percent of domestic expenditure. The curriculum also gives preferential treatment to Canada and Mexico. The quota lasts for fourteen geezerhood. U.S. anele prices remain stalls, and eight days advanced are 60 percent to 70 pct to a higher place Mideast crude prices.

OPEC meeting, 1962. (Courtesy OPEC)

OPEC meeting, 1962. (OPEC)

Arabian nations, relying heavily along oil colour revenue, are increasingly foiled by oil price cuts by largely West-central oil companies—and by U.S. import caps, which besides depress prices. In August 1960, Western oil big league once again gash prices without consulting exportation countries. In September, representatives from Iran, Kuwait, Qatar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela get together in Baghdad with Iraqi officials—together they represent 80 pct of the populace's crude exports. On September 14, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Nations (OPEC) is W-shaped with the purpose of defending oil prices. However, in its first years, OPEC exerts little influence and is virtually ignored by the U.S..

An Israeli tank crew undergoes tank training at an unidentified site in southern Israel on May 20, 1967. AP

An State tank crew undergoes tank training at an unidentified site in southern Israel on May 20, 1967. (AP Images)

On June 6, 1967, Israel enters into an briery conflict with Egypt, Jordan, and Syrian Arab Republic, known as the Arab-Israeli War. The next Clarence Day, Arab oil color ministers call for an embargo on countries hospitable to Israel. Oil shipments stay to the United States and Britain. U.S. domestic production, however, surges by united million barrels a day and largely offsets the temporary loss of Mideast oil globally. By Sep, the embargo is lifted, and, for a short time, the world experiences some other oil glut.

A view of the pipes and a tanker on Kharg jetty in Iran, the largest in the world, July 1971. Horst Faas/AP

A view of the pipes and a tanker on Kharg jetty in Iran, the largest in the world, July 1971. (Horst Faas/AP Images)

Tehran and Tarabulus Al-Gharb Agreements

In April 1971, Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries moves to rebalance lucre sharing and oil color prices and refuses to allow foreign vegetable oil companies to deal with the constitution as a whole. The bloc as an alternative forces them into separate negotiations, one for Persian Disconnect producers (Tehran Correspondence) and one for producers happening the Mediterranean (Rottenstone Agreement), sequent in high prices. The incident marks a turning point for OPEC's clout. Within a ten, many another of OPEC's members begin to partially OR full nationalize their oil resources and have greater influence in setting oil prices. By the end of the 1970s, international oil companies have unfettered access to retributive 7 percent of the reality's oil reserves, down from 85 per centum in the 1960s. U.S. vegetable oil production, meantime, peaks in 1970 and declines about 45 percent within tierce decades.

U.S. President Richard Nixon during his trip to Iran, May 1972. AP

U.S. President Richard Nixon during his trip to Iran, May 1972. (AP Images)

End of U.S. Import Quota

U.S. spare product capacity is evaporating. Round-faced with a looming gasoline shortage, in Apr 1973 President Richard Milhous Nixon announces he is termination the Obligatory Spell Platform—which sets limits on oil imports—but rejects recommendations to implement preservation efforts and formulate fuel alternatives. The signification mandate comes ii years after Nixon imposes oil price controls as part of his anti-splashines strategy. Oil imports, representing about 30 percent of U.S. phthisis in 1973, addition to nearly 50 pct of consumption [PDF] inside tetrad years.

Cars line up for their ration of gas in Surrey, Britain, December 4, 1973. Bob Dear/AP

Cars line high for their ration of boast in Surrey, Britain, December 4, 1973. (Bobsleigh Expensive/AP Images)

Syria and Egypt attack Israel on October 6, 1973, on the Individual sacred daylight of Yom Kippur. On October 19, with the war still underway, the Nixon administration announces a $2.2 one million million military assist package to Israel. Arab states respond by suspending embrocate shipments to nations supportive of Israel. The embargo reduces traded oil supplies by 14 percent internationally. Gasoline prices in the Conjugated States gain A much Eastern Samoa 40 percent within a few months. Consumers in Europe, Nippon, and the United States commenc to panic over anele shortages. Hours-overnight lines at gas stations strain across the Coupled States as people start to hoard gas supplies following gas rationing and damage controls. Richard Milhous Nixon on November 7 announces a belt of new Department of Energy policies and "Project Independence," a end of U.S. energy independence aside 1980.

Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger during a press conference, February 28, 1974. AP

Egyptian President Anwar el-Sadat and U.S. Repository of State Henry Kissinger during a press conference, February 28, 1974. (AP Images)

Final stage of the S Arab Oil Embargo

With the 1973 embrocate embargo after the Arab-Israeli War wreaking economic havoc, U.S. Secretary of State William Henry Henry Alfred Kissinger starts "shuttle diplomacy," portion attain disengagement between Yisrael and Arab Republic of Egypt in January 1974. Arab oil ministers agree to end the embargo connected Borderland 18, 1974, connected the condition that the United States besides promotes Israeli-Syrian disengagement. Kissinger helps reach an accord between the two states in May, which includes a cease-open fire and secession of Israeli forces from some captured territories. The world's top economies form the Global Energy Agency to equal "in multiplication of vegetable oil supply emergencies." They also add up unitedly at a summit in France in 1975 to discuss the global thriftiness and energy dependency. This heads-of-state assembly is called the Group of Vi and tardive becomes the G8 and and so the G7.

Highway workers change a speed limit sign from 70 mph to the new federally mandated limit of 55 mph on February 12, 1974. (Courtesy Wayne State University)

Highway workers change a speed limit sign from 70 mph to the new federally mandated limit of 55 mph happening February 12, 1974. (Wayne Express University)

U.S. Energy Conservation Spurred

The 1973 vegetable oil crisis spurs the U.S. Congress to mandate a cardinal-five miles per hour speed limit on highways and to hand down the Energy Insurance and Conservation Act of 1975, which establishes the Strategic Rock oil Appropriate and fuel efficiency standards for new automobiles. Richard M. Nixon-ERA Mary Leontyne Pric controls remain on domestic oil, depressing product. Between 1974 and 1978, U.S. consumption of imports nearly doubles, and U.S. oil demand rises aside about 2.1 million barrels per day. In 1977, the Carter administration organizes energy agencies into the Energy Department. United States President Carter also puts come out of the closet his maiden set of energy proposals focusing mainly on conservation, and signs legislation in 1978 to boost fuel switching and efficiency away galvanising utilities and other U.S. industries.

A poster of exiled Muslim leader Ayatollah Khomeini is carried by marchers with clenched fists during the anti-Shah demonstrations in Tehran, December 11, 1978. Michel Lipchitz/AP

A poster of exiled Muslim drawing card Khomeini is carried by marchers with clenched fists during the anti-Shah of Iran demonstrations in Tehran, December 11, 1978. (Michel Lipchitz/AP Images)

In October 1978, thousands of embrocate workers live on strike in Iran, as part of a rhythm of agitation protesting leader Mohammed Reza Shah. Oil turnout in Persia drops from more than five meg barrels a day to zero by December—amounting to about a 5 percentage exit in global production. The Shah of Iran is forced to leave the country in January 1979. Exiled senior Shiite cleric Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returns to assume control of Iran low-level an Islamic government. A group of Iranian students takes over the U.S. embassy in Tehran on November 4, 1979, taking sixty-3 American hostages for Sir Thomas More than 400 years. James Earl Carter responds by severing diplomatical relations and embargoing Iranian oil colour imports. Between Jan 1979 and Dec 1979, global oil prices much double.

U.S. President Jimmy Carter delivering his energy speech on television, July 15, 1979. Dale G. Young/AP

U.S. President Jimmy Carter delivering his energy spoken communication on television, July 15, 1979. (Dale G. Young/AP Images)

Crisis of Self-confidence

Iran's revolution sparks panic over another oil-cater shortage, and oil prices double. Long blow lines return to the United States. In July, President Prize Carter gives his twenty percent major speech on energy policy, which includes announcing more DOE preservation measures and a phase-out of oil cost controls. A frustrated Carter admonishes the nation for worshipping "indulgence and ingestion" and having "a crisis of confidence." In 1980, Carter signs the Energy Security system Act [PDF], which includes incentives for geothermal, solar, and biomass energy to give electricity generators rising alternatives to oil. Information technology also establishes the U.S. Synthetic Fuels Corporation, intended to bring forth deuce million barrels a day in liquid fuel from non-petroleum sources like ember within five years.

A burning fuel tank bombed by Iran in Baghdad, October 1980. Francoise De Mulder/Getty

A passionate fuel tank bombed aside Iran in Baghdad, October 1980. (Francoise First State Mulder/Getty)

Iran-Iraq War

Iran and Iraq die down to war in Sept 1980. Though the United States of America is officially neutral, it renews smooth ties with Republic of Iraq, which accept been severed since the 1967 Arabian-Israeli conflict. Continuing attacks along both Iraqi and Iranian oil facilities remove four million barrels a day in oil production from the global market. The Reagan administration issues a national security measures directive in 1983 [PDF] to increase the U.S. military presence in the Arabian Gulf to help protect the oil facilities and shipments to Allies. The war lasts eight years.

The drilling platform that spilled 200,000 gallons of crude oil near Santa Barbara, California, February 1969. Vernon Merritt III/Getty

The drilling platform that spilled 200,000 gallons of crude oil near Santa Barbara, Calif., February 1969. (Vernon Merritt III/Getty)

Focus on Offshore Drilling

The United States Congress imposes a moratorium on new offshore drilling slay the Golden State coast in 1981 in response to public outcry and lingering environmental concerns caused by an vegetable oil spill off the coast of Santa Barbara in 1969. Within a a few years, the ban is extended to all new leases in U.S. coastal waters, except for parts of the Gulf of Mexico and around Waters off the coast of Alaska. This ban continues to the present day. However, active offshore boring, from leases ahead the moratorium and from allowed parts of the Disconnection and Alaska, represents or so 8 percent of all U.S. production in 1981. 'tween increasing production in allowed offshore areas and a drop in overall U.S. product, offshore boring rises to about 30 percent of U.S. production in the next three decades.

On February 5, 1981, President Reagan addresses the nation, noting the deregulation of oil prices. Courtesy Reagan Library

On February 5, 1981, Ronald Wilson Reagan addresses the nation, noting the deregulation of oil prices. (Reagan Program library)

U.S. Diversifies Energy Consumption

The Reagan administration fully deregulates crude prices in 1981, allowing U.S. producers to call fort prices to grocery levels. Non-OPEC production begins to outstrip that of OPEC—which hinders the cartel's influence on oil prices. World exact begins to drop collectable to high prices and conservation measures, and another anele extra ensues. By 1982, the United States imports virtually 28 percent of its oil, down from more than 45 percent in 1977. By 1985, U.S. fuel economic system averages for automobiles reach nearly 28 mpg, up from 20 mpg in 1978, and consumer fuel switching for heating and electricity helps lower embrocate consumption. Vegetable oil prices drop from a yearly average of $35 per barrel in 1981 to less than $15 in 1986. The collapse in toll encourages oil companies to shift to cheaper foreign exploration, and U.S. imports begin to steady rise once again.

A harbor seal swims through oil-tainted water in Prince William Sound following the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989. Natalie Fobes/Corbis

A harbor sealing wax swims through inunct-tainted water in Prince William Sound following the Exxon Valdez oil colour spill in 1989. (Natalie Fobes/Corbis)

Exxon Valdez Oil Spillage

The crack tanker Exxon Valdez strikes a reef in Prince William Sound, Alaska, spilling eleven million barrels of anele and damaging coastline and fisheries. Advised one of the worst environmental disasters in U.S. history, the spill—and its $2 billion cleanup cost—bolsters the environmental drive and leads to policies that further restrict sea drilling. In 1990, Congress passes the Oil Pollution Act [PDF] for offshore accidents, which creates a tercet-tiered emergency response project for spills, caps liability for operators of offshore facilities, and establishes a trust investment company that makes adequate $1 1000000000 available for each spill incident.

Greater Burgan oil field in Southern Kuwait is set ablaze by Iraqi soldiers, March 1991. AP

Greater Burgan oil plain in Southern Kuwait is set ablaze by Iraqi soldiers, March 1991. (AP Images)

Iraq's Encroachment of Capital of Kuwai

Iraq invades Koweit on August 2, 1990, following a dispute over the Rumaila oil field on the border. In a language on August 8, 1990, President of the United States George H.W. Bush says Iraq's aggression poses an economic threat to the Confederate States, which now imports half its oil. Bush as wel declares the "sovereign independence of Saudi Arabia [a] vital interest" and deploys soldiery to the country. Nations dependent on Farsi Gulf imports, such as Japan, provide much of the financial backin for a U.S.-led, multinational military effort to liberate Kuwait City in Jan 1991. The Bush administration releases thirty-four million barrels of oil from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reticence in expectation of an oil shock, but contrary to predictions, oil prices drop from about $30 per barrel in September to little than $20 in January. Iraq surrenders in of late February 1991.

A Ford assembly plant in Louisville, Kentucky, building new SUVs, April 4, 2001. John Sommers II/Courtesy Reuters

A Ford Madox Ford assembly plant in Louisville, Kentucky, building other SUVs, April 4, 2001. (John Sommers II/Reuters)

In 1993, the Clinton administration announces a partnership to develop and produce cheap, fuel-efficient, contralto-emission vehicles. But two-a-penny oil and a booming economy force up consumption in the Combined States. While European and Japanese car companies move ahead with commercialization of the foremost hybrid passenger vehicle, gross revenue of gas-guzzling sports utility vehicles (SUVs)—considered light trucks and thus exempted from tougher U.S. fuel economic system standards—detonate. SUVs correct a large part of the fleet of U.S. automakers, garnering monumental profits in comparison to smaller, more fuel-efficient cars. Between 1993 and the res publica's read demand for oil in 2005, consumption increases by 3.6 zillion barrels a day to 20.8 million barrels per day.

The United States continues to focus on energy security and not greenhouse gas emissions in the decade following the Kyoto Protocol. Charlie Riedel/AP

The United States continues to focusing on energy security and not greenhouse emission emissions in the decade succeeding the Kyoto Protocol. (Charlie Riedel/AP Images)

In 1997, most of the mankind's leadership communicatory the Kyoto Communications protocol, an international mechanism for countries to cut and adjust to rising greenhouse emission levels in order to palliate climate change. But the United States, the largest greenhouse emitter of the time, refuses to ratify the treaty and for the next decennium faces international criticism for its slow adoption of emissions-diminution policies. And though a third of manmade emissions come from petroleum, U.S. policy on embrocate phthisis remains focused on energy security and air quality. Environmental advocates target the U.S. oil and auto industries for lobbying against climate policy in the country for the following decade.

Exxon acquires Mobil for a record $80 billion in 1998, creating the world's largest oil company. Ira Schwarz/Courtesy Reuters

Exxon acquires Mobil for a immortalis $80 trillion in 1998, creating the world's largest oil company. (Ira Schwarz/Reuters)

Birth of the Super Majors

Asia's economic crisis in 1997 causes a cut down desirable in what has been a growth neighborhood for inunct markets. Though OPEC tightens its drilling quota, world-wide prices plunge to below $10 per gun barrel at the end of 1998, downward from nearly $20 per drum in late 1997. The downturn, summation an progressively constrained environs for oil concessions globally, encourages a chain of oil mergers among the world's largest private oil companies, including ones between BP and Amoco (the largest foreign putsch of a U.S. company to date), Exxon and Mobil, and Texaco and Chevron. Accused of stifling competition, these mergers face political scrutiny [PDF] in the next decade as U.S. gas prices gain significantly.

Chavez greets supporters in Barquisimeto, Venezuela, in November 1998. Jose Caruci/AP

Chavez greets supporters in Barquisimeto, Venezuela, in November 1998. (Jose Caruci/AP Images)

In February 1999, Hugo Chavez assumes authority as Chief Executive of Republic of Venezuela, and embarks on a social revolution that includes funding new social programs with the country's oil revenues. Venezuela continues to be one of the largest sources of U.S. oil imports, but Chavez is more and more critical of U.S. foreign insurance policy over the course of the next decade and threatens repeatedly to cut off oil colour shipments. In 1999, Vladimir Putin takes spot arsenic president of Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic, which has the largest conventional oil colour reserves outside of OPEC. Both Venezuela and Russia nationalize a lot of their anoint resources and confine access by external oil companies.

Oil sands operations at Syncrude Canada's Aurora mine project near Fort McMurray, Alberta. Larry Macdougal/AP

Oil sands operations at Syncrude Canada's Aurora mine envision near Fort McMurray, Alberta. (Larry Macdougal/AP Images)

Canada Overtakes Saudi Arabia

In 2004, Canada surpasses Kingdom of Saudi Arabia As the largest single exporter of oil to the United States, providing 1.6 cardinal barrels per Clarence Shepard Day Jr. compared to the Saudi's 1.5 million barrels. A decennium before, Canada begins investing heavily to develop its oil littoral zone, which requires more money and effort to extract and refine than conventional oil. Many estimate oil littoral zone place the area's oil reserves second to Saudi Arabian Arabia. In 1999, oil littoral zone represent about 15 percent of total Canadian crude product, only aside 2010 oil sand production is nearly incomplete. Hush, heavily polluting oil color sand production increasingly becomes an environmental concern.

Algae to biofuel experiment, Fort Collins, Colorado. Sherri Barber/AP

Alga to biofuel experiment, Fort Collins, Colorado. (Sherri Barber/AP Images)

In 2005, the U.S. Congress passes the Energy Insurance policy Act, which includes new incentives for transportation fuel alternatives and twist-fuel cars as well A red-hot subsidies for domestic oil exploration. The law mandates that 7.5 1E+12 gallons of renewable fuels be amalgamated into gasoline past 2012. In his 2006 State of the Union address, U.S. Bush says "America is addicted to oil." The practice of law is criticized for adding billions in government subsidies to the oil color industry, and subsidies of corn-based biofuel are criticized as a threat to food security and the environment. Or s energy experts criticize U.S. tariffs along Brazilian sugarcane ethanol, which is cheaper and more energy businesslike to produce.

Gasoline prices advertised in San Diego, California, on June 1, 2008. Mike Blake/Courtesy Reuters

Gasoline prices advertised in San Diego, California, on June 1, 2008. (Mike Blake/Reuters)

In 2006, a prison term of draw near record-high U.S. anele pulmonary tuberculosis and imports, oil color prices commence to resurrect steadily, top-hole a phonograph record $147 a barrel in the summer of 2008. This translates to gasoline averages above $4 per gallon in much of nation. Experts debate the cause of the memorialise prices, blaming it connected factors much as the economic rise of PRC and India, commodity market speculation, and basic issues of supply. Fire prices and high food prices begin to cause unrest around the world. In the In agreement States, pinched blow prices in a chief of state election class invigorate debate about increasing domestic production, especially ending the moratorium on sea drilling and in Last Frontier's Polar zone National Wildlife Reserve. "Drill baby exercise" becomes a rallying hollo for the Republican Party. Not far afterward the world business crisis begins in 2008, oil prices plummet.

U.S. President Bush during the signing of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 in Washington. Kevin Lamarque/Courtesy Reuters

U.S. George Herbert Walker Bush during the signing of the Energy Independence and Security system Bi of 2007 in Washington. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)

Muscularity Independence and Security Act

In 2007, Congress passes the Energy Department Independence and Surety Do, which will increase Embodied Average Fuel Saving (Coffee shop) standards from 27.5 mpg to 35 mpg by 2020, and ends the light-duty truck exclusion. The law also mandates greater production of non-corn-based ethanol, and requires biofuels blended with gasoline and diesel to be leastwise 20 percent less in greenhouse gas lifecycle emissions than the petroleum-based fuels. In English hawthorn 2009, the Obama administration announces accelerated CAFE standards of 39 mpg for cars and 30 mpg for light trucks, which the administration highlighted as part of its climate switch insurance goals.

Brown Pelicans, covered in oil from BP's Gulf of Mexico oil spill, at the International Bird Rescue Research Center in Buras, Louisiana, in 2010. Lee Celano/Courtesy Reuters

Brown Pelicans, covered in oil from BP's Gulf of Mexico oil spillway, at the International Bird Rescue Search Center in Buras, Louisiana, in 2010. (Lee Celano/Reuters)

BP Oil Spill

In the spring of 2010, U.S. Prexy Barack Obama lays unconscious his plans for U.S. vim policy, including supporting more biofuels and opening more U.S. Waters to offshore oil drilling. But in April, a deepwater drilling rig explodes and sinks in the Golfo de Mexico, causation a massive, four-month oil color spill. The Obama administration, in response, places a temporary ban on every last new offshore drilling projects in consecrate to followup U.S. safety and situation enforcement. Calls regenerate for strong measures to reduce U.S. oil use of goods and services, now at to a lesser degree nineteen million barrels per day, down feather nearly two million barrels from 2005 record levels.

Traders work in the oil options pit on the floor of the New York Mercantile Exchange in New York City, February 22, 2011. Brendan McDermid/Courtesy Reuters

Traders puzzle out in the vegetable oil options pit on the floor of the New York Mercantile Substitution in Greater New York, February 22, 2011. (Brendan McDermid/Reuters)

Libya Rocks Anoint Markets

In February 2011, Libya becomes the first star oil-producing nation to join a spate of popular uprisings in the region, which topples regimes in Egypt and Tunisia. With the largest reserves in Africa, Libya represents about 2 percent of global anoint production. Global inunct prices ear nearly 10 percentage in unrivalled day. Though the country does not supply oil to the America, concerns grow that the situation in Libya and potential unrest in other oil-producing nations could lead to a new global oil crisis. In a March 30 speech, U.S. President Barack Obama says: "We bequeath retain being a dupe to shifts in the inunct market until we get earnest about a long-run insurance for secure, low-priced energy." Helium pledges to reduce U.S. oil dependence by one-third inside a decade.

Private security contractors patrol the U.S. Department of Energy's Strategic Petroleum Reserve in Bryan Mound, Texas. Donna Carson/Courtesy Reuters

Private security contractors patrol the U.S. Section of Energy's Strategic Petroleum Book in Boy Orator of the Platte Mound, Texas. (Donna Christopher Carson/Reuters)

U.S. Releases Oil from Strategic Reserve

The Obama administration announces it will release thirty million barrels from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve over cardinal years. The administration says the move is to offset the loss of Libya's 1.5 million bpd in output since civic war erupted in February. The U.S. release coincides with the release of another thirty million barrels from the militia of past members of the Global Energy Office. The IEA says "greater denseness in the oil commercialize threatens to undermine the weak global social science recovery." The integrated release comes after OPEC ministers fail to agree to greater output. The U.S. reserve sale represents the fourth major drawdown since the reserve's initiation in 1977. The administration's decisiveness draws criticism from some analysts and political opponents for its timing, rationale, political overtones, and uncertain impact connected oil markets.

An oil field worker inspects pipe extensions used in oil drilling operations. Rich LaSalle/Getty

An oil study prole inspects pipe extensions used in oil drilling operations. Racy LaSalle/Getty

U.S. Oil colour Imports Hit Two-Decade Low

Imports of crude oil and petroleum products declivity to to a lesser degree 260,000 barrels per twenty-four hour period, the lowest in almost two decades, according to the U.S. DOE Information Administration. The weakened trust on foreign oil is the outcome of both declining necessitate and a domestic energy revolution which, through the combination of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, unlocked vast reserves of "skinny oil" in shale rock formations. Seaworthy oil product surges from less than indefinite million barrels a Day in 2010 to all over four million barrels a day by December 2015, olympian the individual production of every OPEC member demur Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia's oil minister, Ali al-Naimi, speaks before a meeting of OPEC oil ministers at OPEC's headquarters in Vienna November 27, 2014. Heinz-Peter Bader/Reuters

Saudi-Arabian Arabia's oil minister, Cassius Marcellus Clay al-Naimi, speaks before a meeting of OPEC oil ministers at OPEC's headquarters in Vienna November 27, 2014. (Heinz-Peter Bader/Reuters)

OPEC Meets as World Oil Prices Tumble

U.S. nasty anoint producers contribute to a global render scarf ou that puts downward pressure on prices. By Nov, petroleum oil falls below $75 a barrelful, down from $110 in June. OPEC members meet in Vienna, where, despite oppositeness from some members who want to cut OPEC oil production to halt the price slide, Saudi Arabia pushes the group to hold back a production target area of thirty million barrels per day. The organization meets and regularly exceeds that target, preeminent to advance price declines below $50 a barrel aside early 2015, which squeezes the finances of anoint-exportation countries and forces unconventional drillers in the Agreed States to curbing costs and acutely cut production.

Protesters demonstrate outside the TransCanada offices in Portland, Oregon, in January 2014 in protest of the planned Keystone XL oil pipeline. Alex Milan Tracy/Corbis

Protesters demonstrate outside the TransCanada offices in Portland, Oregon, in January 2014 in protest of the planned Keystone XL oil pipeline. (Alex Milan Spencer Tracy/Corbis)

Obama Administration Rejects Keystone XL Pipeline

President Barack Obama rejects the projected Keystone XL pipeline, which would get transported many than eight hundred thousand barrels of oil per day from Canada to Texas. Content to multiple rounds of Department of State Department review since its invention in 2008, supporters said it would take in created jobs and enhanced energy certificate, while opponents worried about potential scathe to the environment from spills and multiplied carbon emissions. Moot o'er the merits of the cross-boundary line pipeline will continue, as TransCanada, the troupe behind the project, files a lawsuit against the U.S. regime charging discriminatory treatment below the Northbound American Free Trade Arrangement (NAFTA).

The Seaqueen oil tanker, one of the first to leave the United States under relaxed oil export rules, arrives in the port of Rotterdam on January 21, 2016.  Jeroen Jumelet/AFP/Getty Images

The Seaqueen oil tanker, i of the first to pass on the United States under relaxed oil export rules, arrives in the interface of Rotterdam on January 21, 2016. (Jeroen Jumelet/AFP/Getty Images)

Congress Lifts Oil-Export Forbidding

Coitus votes to lift four-decade-retired restrictions on U.S. crude oil exports, and a shipment immediately leaves the porthole of Corpus Christi, Texas, for sales event in Europe. The shipment consists of light sweet crude oil drawn from south Texas's Eagle Ford shale deposits. Even Eastern Samoa the Coalescing States continues to import oil, opportunities for exports will arise since many of the country's existing refineries are not optimized to process the eccentric of light unskilled tired from shale. Withal, most analysts believe that the impact on production, prices, and geopolitics of lifting the restrictions will be modest.

The Eiffel Tower is illuminated to celebrate the first day of the application of the Paris climate accord.

The Eiffel Tower is illuminated to celebrate the first day of the application of the City of Light clime accord. Patrick Kovarik/AFP/Getty Images

Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement—signed by more than 190 countries, including the United States—enters into force. The most ambitious mood accord up to now, the agreement requires all parties to set targets to reduce atmospheric phenomenon gas emissions, with the destination of arresting the lift in the average global temperature. Countries also agree to aim for net-zero carbon copy emissions by mid-100. The United States pledges to cut its emissions by more than 25 percent from 2005 levels by 2025, a move that requires transitioning away from fogey fuels, including oil. Although the accord does not include enforcement mechanisms, there are periodic performance reviews meant to encourage countries to adopt Thomas More ambitious targets.

Members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Indigenous leaders participate in a March 2017 protest in Washington, DC, opposing the Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines.

Members of the Standing Rock Siouan Tribe and Indigenous leaders enter in a March 2017 protest in Washington, DC, opposing the Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines. Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

Trump's 'America Archetypal' Energy Programme

Afterwards campaigning connected a promise to rise U.S. oil production and achieve energy independence, President Donald Trump begins pronounceable back his predecessor's policies. In June, Trump announces the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, which takes upshot in November 2020. His administration later scraps Obama's tougher fuel efficiency standards for cars and trucks, which the Environmental Protection Agency says testament result in about two billion more barrels of oil consumed. The U.S. fracking boom continues, with the administration leasing four million landed estate of federal land to fossil fire companies. Cornet also revives the Keystone XL grapevine and, with support from the Republican-controlled Congress, opens the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska for anoint drilling despite opposition from Democrats, biology activists, and some Alaska Indigenous groups. Alaskan lawmakers and other Alaska Native groups support the act payable to the expected revenue and speculate growth.

An aerial view shows an oil storage facility in Compton, California, in April 2020.

An ethereal view shows an oil storage facility in Compton, Golden State, in April 2020. David McNew/Getty Images

COVID-19 General

The world is rocked by the egress of a new coronavirus disease, COVID-19, that chop-chop becomes a orbicular epidemic. Response measures, including continue-at-home orders, trigger a razor-sharp flatten in the demand for oil. Falling anele prices create a severance within OPEC and lead to a price warfare between Saudi Arabia and Russia, with Riyadh ramping up yield to further lash prices in an effort to force Moscow to the table. Oil prices hit rock and roll bottom; in Apr, a major benchmark price for U.S. crude vegetable oil briefly waterfall below zero first in history. After Whiting Rock oil Corporation, a starring U.S. producer, declares bankruptcy, President Trump attempts to broker an OPEC deal to prevent encourage damage to the U.S. industry. After Best intervenes, OPEC and Russia agree to control production and produce prices.

President Joe Biden addresses world leaders during a virtual climate summit in April 2021.

United States President Joe Biden addresses world leadership during a virtual climate summit in April 2021. Tom Brenner/Reuters

President Joe Biden is sworn into position and promises to strike aggressive action on climate change. He rejoins the Paris Agreement and pledges to cut U.S. emissions by at least 50 percent of 2005 levels by 2030—and achieve net-0 emissions by 2050. To reach that goal, Biden calls for a return to higher fuel efficiency standards for cars and trucks, atomic number 3 well as measures to spur the utilise of electric vehicles, among other proposals. Biden cancels the Keystone XL pipeline and suspends drilling leases in the ANWR. Notwithstandin, approval for drilling on other authorities lands continues at a record pace. As the pandemic abates in the USA, postulate for oil rebounds and throttle prices surge to a septenar-year squeaking.

Where Does Oil Produced in the U.s. Go?

Source: https://www.cfr.org/timeline/oil-dependence-and-us-foreign-policy

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